Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cold Comfort Farm

Cold Comfort Farm Reading Reflection

I’m sorry this is late! I looked at the blog to see if anyone else had posted an unessay and saw that we had to do a reading reflection for Cold Comfort Farm.

I know that a lot of people did not really like Cold Comfort Farm. Some because they thought it was boring and some because they thought that the main character was maddening and irritating. I disagree with both of these reasons. While it was not my favorite book of the semester I found Cold Comfort to be funny and entertaining. I also found Flora to be quirky and amusing. Although I agree that she was sometimes rude and pretentious I found humor in that.
I related her character to the character of Higgins from Pygmalion. Higgins was trying to change Eliza into the type of person that he thought that she should be, ignoring her personality traits and wishes. He was also very rude and talked down to Eliza just as Flora does to her family members at the farm. They both try to change people that they don’t think are classy or high class enough. I think that both were honestly thinking that they were helping the people but they thought of it as a charity which made them talk down to the people that they were helping and made the people resent them not only for trying to change them but for treating them like they were less of a person. Pygmalion was my favorite book in this class. My second favorite was Lapin Agile. And cold Comfort Farm was my third favorite.   

Thursday, May 8, 2014

About Cold Comfort Farm

So there was one thing in particular that confused me about Cold Comfort Farm. I don't understand why she chose to set it a little while into the future. She made a few predictions, like the personal planes as though they were cars. But I don't understand what that added to the story. I like the book, but it didn't make sense to have it set in the future when it was such a minor thing over all. I think it would've been better if she'd just set it in the present at the time. The future setting was just kind of distracting for me. I thought it would be a bigger deal than it ended up being. That's really my only significant criticism of the book. Other than that, I really enjoyed the bit with the church. I thought the joke with the butter was hilarious, and the overall dry humor was great.

"CCF" interpretation in my own views

I definitely was confused by the book, but having read the book and watch the movie I can say I understand it a bit more. To me, the book helped me understand the movie even though neither are clear. This Comedic/Ironic/Sarcastic book really brought the words alive to me in my head and it felt real. The characters of Flora seems like a independent well educated woman that understands how to do things. She has managed to set things right in order at the family's farm and get her relatives right, considering they and the farm are cursed. Trying to help everyone in her way to get them away so she can get the farm running up. Flora makes a point when she mentions that her family has money but yet they don't do anything with their wealth. Part of the story reminds me of Jane Austin's book Pride and Prejudice; including the story of Mr. "Mybug" and his love to Flora is similar to Mr. Collins and his love for Elizabeth Bennett. Not entirely sure if the book has some resemblance to part of the Pride and Prejudice story or if it's just me. Even the whole plot of Flora helping her "estranged" family to having happy endings and getting better and in the end Flora has her own romantic happy ending as Elizabeth Bennett did. So to my understanding of the book it seems like a parody when I notice some similarities to other stories that I have read. Does anyone agree? She manages to take her family from living in the old world country to the modern world country, making them adjust to the changes that is going on. They are being mocked on London Sophistication and living in the country not knowing how to run the farm and being classified as having some sort of "personal" problem. If that makes sense?...


-Eliza transformation


These were my takes on the characters in, "Picasso at the Lapin Agile." I decided to make a poem describing each characters' personality. It was interesting to experience so many different personalities in one setting. It made you stop and think about what you might be judging of someone's character and try to put yourself in their shoes. I mean you had an artist and scientist put in the same room, which could become a problem because they both come from different mind sets. But in the end you realize that they are actually pretty close to having the same outlook, which is being different and taking their skills and putting it to the test. Then you have an average old man who just drinks because he has nothing else to look forward too. With the exception of woman that played many different roles that people could apply to today. Seeing them argue and dispute really gave a whole different perspective on life as a whole. Saying that everyone might come from different worlds, but everyone always has something to bring to the table.

At the Lapin Agile

At the Lapin Agile
Where you find artists and scientists always in a sphiel
Ranting about who’s work is worthy for the steal
Occasionally beautiful women will pull up aside
Causing a horrible horrible tide
Only at the Lapin Agile

A bartender who’s name rhymes with teddy
Owns a bar named Lapin Agile and always has a drink ready
He might be moody, but who wouldn’t be
Dealing with drunk French people all day, that there’s Freddy

A woman named Germaine always by Freddy’s side
Well that’s what you think until you read more inside
A waitress who later we are taught
Is left with affairs and is unsure of who she wants

A 25 year old man comes into the scene
Waiting for a young women that he seeks
He doesn’t look wise but when he opens his mouth
Nothing but science and wisdom is what he’s all about

Then there’s the old man, whose name is from Beauty and the Beast
Who complains the whole time, and always has to pee
Gaston,  hasn’t found a love in a while, which kinda stinks
But then again he is just there for the show and the drinks

Then we have the gorgeous Suzanne
18 years old and she found herself a man
A painter in fact, but don’t test her will
She knows how men work and always down for the kill

Here comes the art dealer, always on the go
Most people know him by the name, Sagot
He’s obsessed with finding art to sell
and will keep bribing to buy it until someone will

Ah, then the ladies man himself
Who is indeed an artist just looking for wealth
Look out because he might paint a beautiful picture of you above
But at the end of his work he is looking for love

Pops in is Schmendiman, a man with interesting words
You’ll be talking about art, and he will talk about birds
He has an interesting character, really he does
Whatever your talking about, he’ll say what he loves

Then there’s the countess, who knows how to walk the walk
When she meets Einstein she also owns the talk
She is his pronoun lover and at she is pro
She knows how to talk to him, with his crazy white haired afro

Then of course in the end arrives a Visitor
Who is way ahead of his time for which he is from the future
They ask him about what to expect
Learning that all of them will one day have fans who respect

At the Lapin Agile
Where you find artists and scientists always in a sphiel
Ranting about who’s work is worthy for the steal
Occasionally beautiful women will pull up aside
Causing a horrible horrible tide
Only at the Lapin Agile

The way i think technology has its effects during different generations-Unessay

The way technology has its effects

 Throughout the whole semester we have come across different ideas and forms of Technology, whether its from Pygmalion or the way we deal with everything in class by using our cell phones and computers to do projects or read books. I feel that over different generations, technology has changed a lot; this may not have much to do with anything, but it plays a huge role in our lives. So this is just how everything is viewed from my perspective among other things I have no mentioned.
Technology has changed the way we communicate; all of the new developments have changed the way we talk and connect with our friends, our family, and everybody else we want to come in contact with. It has changed the way we see or look at each other, and the way we choose not to. The News and Magazines are full of reports debating whether all of the technology we are using is good or bad. New technologies are introduced at record speed, and most of us think that it a good thing. However there are those who believe that communication has become a lost art, and that all that is being done now is called rushing, communication without using the caring, understanding, and body language that comes with real communication. I don't agree, because I am communicating all the time by text messaging and/or posting on a social network. Now days, all over the world, most young people are communicating and interacting with each other twenty-for seven on one device or another, it is just on a different level than some are use to, and the key is to learn to adapt to this new and exciting technology.

Perhaps what is happening is that one type of communication is a few miles apart from another kind? There is the type of communication that the dictionary defines as: To impart knowledge of; to make known; to communicate information: As in: To communicate one's happiness. Then there is another definition: To give or interchange thoughts, feelings, information, or the like, by writing, speaking, etc. As in: They communicate with each other every day. I believe that whatever definition one chooses it is still communicating; only technology has given us the power to communicate with more people, all over the world, faster than ever before, through technological developments, which have changed the way we connect to others. We have adapted, we have changed the rules of etiquette in communication, so that they work with these new devices, or forms of communication.

There is a generation gap in the way youth communicates, and the way our parents do/did. The thing I like the best about all our new technology is that one can get a hold of anyone we want, anytime we want, or leave them a Text to be read at their leisure. My second favorite thing is that I can ignore someone, if I don't feel like connecting right then there. Of course, this brings me to my least favorite things about our new technology; the ability anyone has to also ignore me when ever they want. Second dislike, is that I can be rejected whenever someone wants; this can happen by landline phone, Cell phone or Internet. Technology has changed the rules of etiquette and a Text is acceptable; some things don't change as fast as our new technology. 

I remember reading in an Art class how Ancient people use to write and draw on stone, which was cumbersome, or remained on cave walls. Also how the invention of paper changed the way of communication and the printing press created mass media and forever changed the way we communicated with the entire country and the rest of the word. Ever since the dawn of civilization, technology and communication have gone hand-in-hand; it has evolved with every invention.  After the printing press came speaking and hearing technology, also known as the radio and the telephone; then in the late forties the Television came along, a technology that transformed the way people saw each other, and the way they communicated. The invention of the personal computer, the pager and the mobile phone made communication faster and more accessible to many. The Internet started this latest technological revolution and it has extended it to cell phones and Text messaging. Like the printing press, the Internet services opened up the world to a different type of technology and communication: the cell phone: Smart Phone; Galaxy: Android, etc., revolutionized the way we communicate on a daily basis. The influence of modern technology on communication has been so powerful that it has shaped a society and country that can communicate beyond boards and paper and ink restraints. 

Society is exposed to all types and sources of communication. Everyday we are on the computer, the Internet floods us with all types of advertisements and communication wanted or not. The television, magazines and newspapers communicate all the local and world news, and we are in turn communicating everything we learn to others, either on a personal level or educational or professional level. The news now travels faster than it ever did before because of new technologies. Some of the new technology becomes old in less than a year and the way we communicate changes and gets old also. Ten years ago, it used to be that I exchanged Email address with everybody, and joined My Space (MS). Anything we did not want on MS was still discussed by phone or became an Email. Then times changed and fewer of my friends had Email address, we all discovered cell phones, and MS became Facebook. Before everyone had cell phones there was a technology called, Pagers. Times have changed and technology has also changed the way we communicate and everybody should adapt.